Thursday, April 2, 2009

Nuclear POW

Day two at Baker.
It snowed a couple inches of fresh pow.
We drove to the mountain. Hiked to the zone. I stepped out one cliff that I skoped yesterday. Hit it twice and toma-eathanhawked twice. I hiked up, traversed across, and stepped out another fresh cliff. When I landed, I was in a nice Marg sized hottub with compressed nuked pow all around me. Once again I've competed too much and missed skiing real fresh POW.

Tone hucked a pimp feature a couple times landed on some hard snow. Trying to rebate it he smashed a rib. He'll be back crushing WSI big air.

We packed her in early so Tone could get to the hospital in Van. FUCK NUCLEAR POW.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


After a full season of competing and traveling the world I finally get to go back to my roots and shred peeyowda. For the first time I have a camera pointed at me doing real skiing. Today I did my first day shredding pow all season and I got to do it with the man himself TonyB.


I'm not gunna make it

I almost made it a full year without shitting myself. I didn't fully soil myself this time at least.


Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hello World

I'm still traveling round the world by the seat of my pants. Last night I put up a fb message saying "I'm flying into Van March 11th 1:30pm anyone want to pick me up and hang with me for the day?" I got no hits. I flew from Tokyo, transferred in Seattle, landed in Van. I was near home at last.
The best I expected was more than one person would show up and they would fight over me. The worst I expected no one would show up and I was alone in the airport for nine hours as usual. The best possible happened. My best buddy Ty drove down from Squamton to hang with me for the day. I was in the customs area when I got a call from him. I thought he was going to say "Hey dude I just got your message, sorry I'm not going to be able to make it." But to my surprise he was minutes away and stoked to spend the day with me.
He picked me up in his big, bad ass maroon GMC Sierra tan interior. We hit up a pub for a burger and a beer and some catching up. We drove to the beach and scrounged up some wood for Tys new hobby, making furniture with a chainsaw. Then we went to the UBC campus to pick up chicks because we’re both so good at that. We ran in to Megfa, our coach Myles girlfriend. She took us down to the nude beach through campus on a swing bike, bmx, and skateboards. Ty and I said our good byes because it was time to get back to the airport for the second stretch of my journey. Ty and I hugged it out and I was alone once again.
I have hundreds of friends and thousands of acquaintances, but there’s nothing like the couple of true friends I have. I wouldn’t trade them in for anything. Well maybe for something.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Flying By the Seat of My Pants

Its 11:50 am. I've landed in Reno, NV. I have no arrangements for anyone to pick me up from the airport nor do I have a place to rest my head. I've been FBing, emailing, making calls, and texts for days trying to line something up. "Why don't you just get a shuttle and a hotel?" people ask. Why not? Because I've successfully not paid for accommodation once this season by flying by the seat of my pants. I made one phone call when I landed to the man himself and he has someone picking me up and a place for me to stay for the night. The world works in mysterious ways. There are phenomenal, genuine people out there.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Everyone's Doing It


This is a saying that is huge in todays society, which is something that I am normally totally against. But what the hell, blogging's pimp and everyone's doing it. Say Somethin'