Thursday, April 2, 2009

Nuclear POW

Day two at Baker.
It snowed a couple inches of fresh pow.
We drove to the mountain. Hiked to the zone. I stepped out one cliff that I skoped yesterday. Hit it twice and toma-eathanhawked twice. I hiked up, traversed across, and stepped out another fresh cliff. When I landed, I was in a nice Marg sized hottub with compressed nuked pow all around me. Once again I've competed too much and missed skiing real fresh POW.

Tone hucked a pimp feature a couple times landed on some hard snow. Trying to rebate it he smashed a rib. He'll be back crushing WSI big air.

We packed her in early so Tone could get to the hospital in Van. FUCK NUCLEAR POW.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


After a full season of competing and traveling the world I finally get to go back to my roots and shred peeyowda. For the first time I have a camera pointed at me doing real skiing. Today I did my first day shredding pow all season and I got to do it with the man himself TonyB.


I'm not gunna make it

I almost made it a full year without shitting myself. I didn't fully soil myself this time at least.